Home > Artworks > José da Silva Parreira

Photo of José da Silva Parreira Mexico

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José da Silva was born in Buenos Aires, Argentina, where he received his first...

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José da Silva was born in Buenos Aires, Argentina, where he received his first lessons in painting. From his childhood drawing faces, was interested in capturing the expressions, the eyes of those they wished to portray, that was his greatest interest. Over a long time kept the learning received in childhood and went on to other things, but the background concern was there, as something that is left for later, and quite unwittingly, but with the hope that one day maybe Once the opportunity arose to revisit it.

The moment came when shortly after arriving in Mexico he moved to Patzcuaro, Michoacán, where he met the teacher Hector Decont under whose guidance he began painting again, taking care of every detail and emphasis on the look of their characters, is the facial feature that most impressed, which devotes more time and gives more importance. In fact, one of his solo shows titled "Perspectives." It was in Patzcuaro, where he found a source of inspiration in the faces of local Indians who has been painting since then, often, having a preference for the elderly, translating into their canvases, step by step, one by one, many faces, many perspectives, different expressions, is something that no tires. Each is a new challenge, something interesting that can be transferred to fabric, paper, stone ... in black and white, in bright colors ... I do not invent characters, but that recreates through his palette, represents the personality, size, age, condition, how one's personal, makes them live and watch us from the canvas.

light, shadow, color, his fascination exerted upon him. Visit museums, follow closely the works of the classics, is its self-imposed task almost daily, to learn from everyone, and almost constantly attend workshops on drawing and painting to further improve their technique. It is not considered a painter or artist, but artisan palette and brush, working every day with passion, love for what you do and great dedication.

Participated in both collective and individual exhibitions, most of them in Patzcuaro, some in Morelia, the capital of the State of Michoacán, and in Uruapan, Michoacán. Many Mexicans and foreign mainly from Europe and the United States know his work, admire it, and begin to collect.


José da Silva (1948) www.artelibre.net / DASILVA josedasilva48@yahoo.com.mx



1985. Posada de Don Basque Patzcuaro, Michoacan.

1987. Posada de Don Basque Patzcuaro, Michoacan.

1988. Theater Caltzontzin Emperor "Patzcuaro.

1989. Posada de Don Basque Patzcuaro.

1990. Journalists Club Uruapan, Michoacan.

1991. Plaza Basque Quiroga Patzcuaro.

1992. Library "Gertrudis Bocanegra" Patzcuaro.

1992. Gallery "La Troje" Morelia, Michoacán.

2002. "Art Expo-2002 Camelinas Alfredo Zalce, Morelia.

2003. Patzcuaro former Jesuit College.

2005. Patzcuaro former Jesuit College.

2007. Former Jesuit College Patzcuaro.

2007. Art Fair "Artz" Zaragoza, Spain.

2007. "Ruta del Arte" Free Art Gallery, Zaragoza, Spain.

2008. Patzcuaro former Jesuit College.

2009. Patzcuaro former Jesuit College: dead of night banners (collective Nov.-Dec.).

2010. Vida del Mar, Manzanillo, Colima. Group exhibition and sale of work. (Annual Art Show)

Individual exhibitions:

1992. Art Gallery of the Secretariat of Tourism of Morelia, Michoacan.

1994. Regional Museum of Popular Arts and Industries Patzcuaro.

2004. Regional Museum of Popular Arts and Industries Patzcuaro.

2007. Patzcuaro former Jesuit College (Sept.-Oct.).

2008 (Dec) / 2009 (January). Sala Alfredo Zalce "Old Jesuit College


MS "> Publication of work:

2005. Magazine "Travel this month," October and November numbers.

2006. Magazine "Travel this month," May-June number.

2007. Book "Art and the word", Zaragoza, Spain.

2007. Paper Art Books - Art and Freedom II ", Zaragoza, Spain.

2008. Book "Art Libre - Art and Freedom III", Zaragoza, Spain.

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